
Light House Baptist Church has established Auxiliaries that give members the opportunity to volunteer their time and talents as well as actively participate in the ongoing activities of the church. These include:

1. Deacon Board

Our deacons attend to the spiritual needs of the congregation along with our pastor. They also prepare and serve communion on the first Sunday of each month and take part in church events as they occur. They also visit the sick and home bound.

2. Armor Bearers

The pastor has appointed a group of devout and spirit filled Christian young men to assist in caring for his physical, spiritual and personal needs. These individuals travel with the pastor and watch out for his well being within the church and during outings. They also assist with communion services.

3. Nurses Board

Nurses play a very important supportive role in the church. They care for the pastor and visiting ministers before during and after church worship services providing for their personal needs and making all who attend our service comfortable. They also care for those who become ill or injured during service.

4. Ushers Board

Ushers are usually one of the first persons visitors see when they visit our church. They are responsible for greeting worshipers, telling them when to enter the sanctuary to avoid interrupting service, showing them where to sit, providing members and visitors information about the church, assisting with the collection of offerings and keeping order during worship services

5. Shepherd’s Board

the Shepherd’s Ministry offers a variety of supports to the pastor. They take care of the Pastor’s needs; pray for him and his family, listen  to his concerns and provide resources if needed. They also plan for or take the lead in scheduling the pastor’s birthday, anniversary, and appreciation celebrations. When necessary they may take on the responsibility for ensuring the pastors robes are cleaned and properly maintained. In addition, they raise funds in support of the church during their annual anniversary. 

6. Good Samaritan Board

In Luke Chapter 10, a certain lawyer sought to tempt Jesus by asking him what he should do to inherit eternal life. Jesus asked him, what does the law say? The lawyer responded: “Thou shall to love the lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself.” When he asked Jesus who is my neighbor, Jesus gave the parable of the good Samaritan Luke 10:27-37. Like the good neighbor cited in these passages, the Good Samaritan Ministry is charged with the reasonability of loving and caring for members in the body of Christ and as well as their neighbors. The ministry reaches out to those who are in distress and in need of physical, spiritual or financial assistance. This ministry also contacts members who miss service for a prolonged period of time and visit and offer comfort to the sick at home or in the hospital and the bereaved.

7. Broadcast Club

The Broadcast Ministry began as club to help our pastor increase outreach from our church to the community. Initially it also functioned as a way to actively involve our youth in reaching out to and bringing other young people and their families from the community into the church. Although the youth function has now moved to the Youth Ministry, the Broadcast Ministry continues to conduct outreach to the community.  This ministry has also gone door to door in the community, giving out flyers, and conducting outdoor services as a means of promoting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.  It is also responsible for recording our worship services. The Broadcast Club is committed to assisting the church in bringing people to Christ.

8. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors direct and manage the affairs of the church.